Take a look around – you just observed physics in action! Physics is the study of
matter and energy and the fundamental interactions that govern all of the physical
world around us. From the smallest subatomic particles to the grand design of the
entire universe, students of physics draw inspiration for study. Because physics focuses
on fundamental principles, it provides an important background for study in astronomy,
biology, chemistry, geology, and engineering. We are all naturally curious about the
world around us and physics can provide a way of thinking that enhances our appreciation
of the amazing universe we live in. Whether your interest is in black holes, gravitational
waves, the structure of the entire universe; the myriad ways that atoms combine and
interact in chemical reactions; the structure and function of biological systems;
the use of natural resources, climate, and environmental concern for the earth; or
the technology driving the electronics of our information age and the development
and production of energy sources to power industry – studying physics will give you
the needed insight and understanding of the fundamental principles governing all the
world around us. Come join our study of physics and learn to see everything around
you with new eyes!!
Below are the Physics and Astronomy courses that we offer:
ASTR 1403 - Stars and Galaxies
ASTR 1404 - Solar System
PHYS 1315 - Introduction to Basic Science
PHYS 1401 - General Physics I
PHYS 1402 - General Physics II
PHYS 1410 - Elementary Physics
PHYS 2425 - Principles of Physics I
PHYS 2426 - Principles of Physics II
Physics and Astronomy Course Descriptions
Physics Fun: